…and the world changes…

And the world changes. Something one of my former acting teachers is fond of saying. And it does. On this, the second day of this blog meant to explore life and death–specifically the life and death of my grandmother–life and death continues to happen all around. So I guess you could say the world doesn’t change. One of my dearest friends on earth, Annie, became an aunt for the first time today. To a round, pink, beautiful little thing by the name of Gemma Lucille. Isn’t that a wonderful name? And today, another friend, Vlad, lost his mother Rita. Like me, he was taking care of a loved one who could no longer take care of herself and was at the end of her life. We are helpless when we come in, and we are, not always but often, helpless when we go out. For all of you out there who have stepped up to make the end of someone’s journey through this life a little bit easier, thank you.

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